Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ex-mockery Rudnik will return in the Carnival

Cologne - He had it all was, with the heights, the number one in the carnival. But then Ralle Rudnik (49) no longer wanted.
Now everything is different again. The Ex-mockery plans in the middle of summer with a band of foolish return. "We want to take away what no one but want to do again what Jeckes. In a guest appearance on Weiberfastnacht we totally felt comfortable, "said the newly-raderdollisierte Rail.
A title they have already: "If the world how beautiful our Kölle dictionaries. On the band's name they are still working. Favorite so far: "Köllefornia. Competition is good (Fastelovend business): Ralf and his band mates are all professional musicians, experts in producing and composing. Then simmer it ...
The Höhner in EXPRESS-TV - watch the clip HERE!