Friday, June 4, 2010

Bank robber ran out of fuel

Cologne - "I have presented the romantic!" So a 33-year-old the Cologne Regional Court declared on Thursday why he attacked two banks and a petrol station.
Debts had driven him to action, Stephan W. said in his detailed confession. "My wife was pregnant, I wanted to provide for my family." But he will be able to forget for the next few years, high imprisonment risk.
In April of this year, he came up with the idea to increase his bank account through raids. First goal: A gas station on the road in Aachen pastures. With a shotgun he threatened the employees, captured 700 €. "So I paid a bill," said the defendant.
In May, Stephan W. marched with drawn gas pistol in a bank in the village squire. "I did not previously know how to do it," he said. And he had just pulled a towel over his face and gave the bag to the cashier. The packed in there 3870 €.
In June Pulheim in the next bank robbery. On foot, because the fuel had gone before him. And then he thought the staff nor that there was no cash in the bank, pulled off without prey. The sentence should be spoken on Friday.