Saturday, April 17, 2010

Koelsch overlooking the elephants

Köln - Riehl gets a new highlight: the side entrance of the zoo on Riehler belt. The two-storey building will be built in hook shape - the long side is 90 meters, the short 42nd
The highlight: A restaurant with 200 to 300 seats and a terrace which is separated by a moat from the main zoo premises.
"So we can run the restaurant independently from the zoo," said zoo director Theo Pagel. If you eat something, but do not want the zoo, you can watch from the terrace of the elephants.
9,724,642 Euros will cost the building made of wood with large glass surfaces. Was designed by the architect Karin Damrau and Bernd Kusserow. Pagel in 2012 expects to complete the financing will shoulder the zoo itself.
 The administration will be housed in the new building. "Then we could demolish the building at the main entrance," said zoo chief financial officer Christopher Landsberg. The zoo wants to expand the area behind the Aquarium - including a new main entrance.